Rural America.
My home.
My passion.
We face some crippling issues. Drugs, jobs, safety, education, infrastructure, agriculture, health care, poverty and small business are among many of the issues I had in mind when I voted for my elected officials on Tuesday.
We are going to talk politics for one second. This is my blog and this is my voice
My educated husband and I both work full time. In our spare time, we advocate for and grow the food and energy our world consumes. It's our passion and our calling. We do it on ground that's been in the family for four generations.
We voted for the right people who will protect Rural America. The place we call home. We voted for the people that will keep it possible for those who want to farm or own a small business here. For those who want to raise and educate their families.
We voted for those who will give the military the resources they need to protect us and provide for our veterans.
I'm sorry for those who call that hate.
Instead of wasting days protesting against so-called 'hate' and burning our American flag, tutor a child. Help an old farmer bring in his crops. Coach a little league team. Get a part time job and save for your dreams. Visit a nursing home. Bake a pie for your neighbor. Detail your grandma's car. Mow someone's lawn. Babysit for a busy mom. Serve on a board of directors. Adopt a family for Christmas. Pick up the trash along the roadsides. Buy a coffee for a lonely man with your last dollar. Help a widow pick up sticks.
That's what we do here. In rural America. That is how you show love.
You won't see us protesting in the streets. You won't see us skipping class or work because we didn't get our way. We have work to do, people to love and a community to save.
You can learn a lot from rural America.