So. I've been thirty. For roughly... two weeks. But not quite.
And you know what?
It feels good.
I'm not going to lie. I was dreading my 30th. I moped. I wined. I cried. I curled up in a ball and hollered for my mom. She didn't come though. I don't think she could hear me at 20 miles away.... but it was worth a shot.
A good friend and I were texting not long before my birthday. We were making plans for the weekend. I said something along the lines of, "Let's go do something fun. I am going to be thirty. Eek!"
She replied back with some words that I will hold close to my heart for the rest of my life.
30 is only a number, Kel. You will be just fine. You are successful, admirable and so thoughtful. Just adds more wisdom to your years.... It's all about how comfortable you feel with who you are in life.
Well, I am glad I have her fooled! ;)
But seriously. She is right.
It truly is about being comfortable with who you are.
You hear the saying, 'The best years of your life' a lot. Some may refer to those years as being in high school. Maybe those college years. Some may refer to those years at retirement. Some as newlyweds.
But really, how can you define the best years of your life when you don't know what's yet to come?
I mean, honestly.
We don't know what tomorrow will bring. Heck, we don't know what next year will bring.
Life. Is full of surprises.
So, to sit back and say you've already experienced the best years of your life is, well, crap. (Sorry for using the word, mom. My brother and I learned it on the school bus when I was in like 3rd grade and I remember getting in trouble for using it.)
I challenge you.
Whether you're 3. 30. or 93.
Go out and have the best fricken years of your life.