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Oct 31, 2011

the end of harvest

Boy, we have been busy! It's been a while since I've posted. This one will probably be slightly boring as I get back into the swing of things. I haven't been taking a lot of good pictures. Just a few here and there when I think of it. What's new? Oh well, you know. Nothing special... other than Harvest 2011 is complete! Well, the crops are out of the field, at least. There is a lot of corn to dry. They dryer can only take so much at a time unfortunately. Next, the equipment needs to be washed and put away for winter. 

I didn't capture any great photos of picking corn. Those are always the prettiest! It went by really fast. Corn isn't tempramental like beans. Beans really depend on good, dry weather so they take a lot longer to get out of the fields. I was in the combine when I was out at the fields so it was hard to take pictures and drive at the same time.


We've been having a lot of problems with the old vintage combine this year, unfortunately. The old gal is 30 years old and she's treated the farm really well. It kind of makes me sad to think we may be combine shopping this year. I've gotten quite attached! But, I suppose, we must do what's best for the farm and not because I think the old gal is cuter than her new counterparts. 

My husband and his dad had lots of great help this year. His uncles and cousins on his mom side finished farming early this year so they brought their combine over to help. His best friend and his brother came out a few times. And most importantly, my mother in law was always there with her "lunch wagon" with I kid you not... 3 course meals! It all went by so quickly and I wish I would have gotten more pictures of everybody helping but I was busy myself. There's always next year : )

Now, it's time to do some super trucking this winter... and feed the world!

Oct 17, 2011

borrowed camera

Molly sent her camera home with my husband today. They work together. She told him to have me play around with it and see how I like it. It's not a point and shoot but it's nothing crazy either. It's a Nikon L100. Anyone have one of these or know anything about them? My husband wants to get me a professional grade digital camera for Christmas but not quite sure what I want yet. Do I start off small or go mid-grade? I've been through a couple point and shoots and they just don't quite capture the shots I'd like to get! I am not a photographer or anything, nor do I want to be but I enjoy playing around and creating "art"...

So I took Molly's camera around the farm and gave it a whirl tonight. Not a bad little guy for $250 bucks... any thoughts? Suggestions? Critiques?

It was pretty cloudy tonight.

Oct 15, 2011

annuals and morning coffee

It's a little chilly out today but everything is still looking beautiful. Only a few weeks left until everything will be dead and brown. I took a few last shots of annuals so I can enjoy them via picture all winter long. I am excited for next spring, though. Our house will be done along with some of our demolition projects and I will have a clean slate to work with. I am going to rest my back all winter long because I'm going to be a landscaping fool come spring. I get such a high when I landscape. It's definitely a form of art and it's fun to arrange and pick out all the wonderful plants we have to choose from.  

The husband is out cutting beans with his dad this morning. I wanted to help but We have six. Yes six.. loads of laundry that need done. I don't know how two people accumulate six loads of laundry in a week but it can be done. I have a Catholic wedding to venture off to at 1:30 followed by another wedding at 3:30 which will be held out doors. The question of the day is. Skirt, dress or pants? I may go with pants. It's suppose to hit a mere 60 degrees today. Great harvest weather, but not so much for out door weddings. Luckily, the reception will be held inside at The Back Forty. This is where my wedding and reception was! It will be a trip down memory lane. It's a shooting clay business, but they built this beautiful rustic banquet hall in the woods. You have to check it out! They're using my wedding as the display wedding once the pictures come back. Right now I think they have pictures of one of the first weddings held there from several years ago.

Well, the dryer is calling my name and I should probably tend to my wifey duties. I was hard at it all morning trying to get this place clean (that will never happen! thank the Lord we're knocking it down this winter) and decided to sit down, post a few pictures of my proud anuals and sip on some coffee.

Enjoy your last few weekends of fall! It's going to go by oh so quickly....

Oct 13, 2011

harvest moon

As usual, I spent a signaficant amount of time outside after work today. Just soaking up the last of this amazing and blessed weather we've had during this harvest season. As soon as I pulled in the drive, I saw this glorious thing:

They're here! They're here! My cupulas are finally here! I've been waiting on them for weeks. They give so much texture to the barn house. They make me so squirmy and giddy inside!

I ran inside as fast as I could, heated up some left-over macaroni (I was STARVING!) and sat on the deck watching them put these guys up. AMAZING! You would never see me crawling around on a slick roof like that! Bean dust + brand new metal roof = recipe for disaster! Construction workers are brave.

So, after I finished ooing and ahhhing over my beloved cupulas, I attempted to mow the yard once again. Last night I had it about half mowed and my mother in law stopped by to show me a baby quilt she had made for Lindy. We got to chit chatting and before we knew it, the sun had set! I had no problem with that at all. I always enjoy a good visit from her and it had been a while.

 Everyone's been so busy since the wedding that's its been a while since we've caught up with good family and friends. Tonight, I was interrupted again and still didn't finish! It makes me chuckle. This time it was my contractor and I discussing floor plans. Today, on my lunch break, I had a burr up my b-u-t-t and decided to add three closets to our floor plan. Yes, three. I always complain about how the bachelor pad doesn't have enough closets and I've been battle that situation since I've tried to move my stuff in. In reality, I realized, the new house did indeed have more closets but not a whole lot more. I needed more. They say, you can never have enough closets.

So, somehow, a discussion about closets turned into a two hour ordeal. But it always does! We get to laughing, chatting and talking about everything and anything under the sun. My contractor has this pride and joy for his children that's just unexplainable. He grew up Amish so he has a deep appreciation for sports, 4-h and other extra-curriculars he never got to particiapte in growing up. I just love hearing him talk about what his children are up to. In fact, his son is coming over sometime next week to pick up walnuts and help me transplant some bushes. He's saving up for a bow and I thought I'd pay him for an hour or two helping me out with some things that need done around here. Ever since I threw my back out last week, it's been hard getting certain things done. With harvest here, there's no way in heck I would bug the hubby with silly things like that.

Essentially, I never did get my lawn finished. But for very good reasons! I may attempt it again tomorrow night, but it's suppose to rain. My mother in law stopped by again tonight with a roast! She took it over to the guys in the fields and when the contractor and I were finished talking, I wandered over to soak up some more combine action and that glorious harvest moon!

I feel so sorry for the people who will never experience this in person. For the people who have never seen a corn or bean field up close in person. Ride in a combine. See the harvest moon dancing in the fields. Talk to the farmer where their food comes from. My heart aches for those who have no clue that this life even exsists. I wouldn't want it any other way. Thank you Lord for this amazing way of life.

Oct 11, 2011

life's imperfections

Life sometimes has it's quirky imperfections. Like the green bean I found today in my macaroni at lunch. Or maybe the fact that I work at a John Deere dealership when my husband and I are die hard Case IH fans. And, most definitely, the Earth worm I found on my kitchen floor this morning. Alive. Now, how in the WORLD did that get there? I mean, yes, we're living in a really old farm house/bachelor pad/ex meth lab/mold farm/I have ran out of slashes. But still. An Earth worm? That kind of beats the mushroom that was found growing out of the bathroom floor last spring. Dan would kill me for mentioning that, but since we're knocking this house down as soon as the new one's built, I don't think he has much to be embarrassed of. It wasn't his fault. He cleans. The house is just old. And it sits on a spring.

Anyways, I've gone off track. I've learned lately that life is never going to be perfect. We have to make what we have available to us work. And it if doesn't work, then we're going to have to figure out how to make it work. I have a lot of friends going through changes or the need for changes whether it's a new baby, a new job or an out of the blue break up. Everything happens for a reason. I cannot stress that enough!

Just a month ago, my new niece Lindy was born. Ok, so she's not really my niece by blood. But she's one of my best friend's daughter. I consider her a niece regardless. Ever since Lindy was born, I've looked at life in a whole new perspective.  I remember the night she was born. We were all gathered around in the waiting room. Then it was time. Suddently, we all huddled around this big picture window with this floppy pink baby laying on the table. You could just her proud father's eyes lit up like the 4th of July. They weren't ready at the time she was conceived. In fact, I'm pretty sure mama was freaking out a bit. And I'm pretty sure she and I had many long "oh crap, what am I going to do? I am not ready to be a mom" conversations. They weren't ready during the whole 9 months she grew in the womb. But now; she's here, and they're ready. They're ready only because they don't have a choice. They just have to be! I am not saying I want to have a baby now. Actually, I'd settle for quite the opposite. But what I'm saying is, no matter what happens in life, you're going to be thrown curve balls. And there's always a reason for them. You may never know why He throws those curveballs our way, but you must learn how to deal with them one way or the other. Or you're not going to survive. 

It amazes me how many people go through life truly unhappy. I am so thankful that I am not going to be one of those persons because I've finally found true happiness. I am not sure if happiness can be defined but I'm pretty sure you don't know what it is until you've been miserable first. There really isn't a point to this post. I just have a few friends as of late talk with me about how "miserable" they are and that makes me truly sad. I wish there was something more I could do to help them. I've offered my love, support and advice. I think that's about all I can do for now. Just remember, if your life isn't perfect now. That's because it never will be. You just have to learn to find happiness within the imperfections.

I know this old blue silo will never be perfect. It's old. It's faded. It's rusty. It's hardware and gears are falling apart. But it will stand proudly on the farm as a reminder that nothing in life will ever seem perfect - but it will be perfect for you. I've always wanted a big blue silo on my property. There's something about them that just screams American. And the American dream. It may be the shabbiest looking silo in the county, but I'll take an imperfect one over none at all. We should look at life in the same aspect. Living life is better than not living one at all.

Stand proud. Take on life's imperfections. Don't let life pass you by while you're standing back trying to figure out why nothing goes the way it should.

Oct 10, 2011

indian summer

This week has been too good to be true. Warm temperatures. Blue skies. Beautiful leaves. Colorful flowers. Combines dancing in the background. Ahhhh...

However, I am quite concerned about my mums! I ventured down to the green house next door ran by our old order Mennonite neighbors and purchased these mums about a month ago. They're still not open! Does anyone know a good mum doctor? 

Maybe I should water them more often? Help! Help! We're running short on time and this is the only bunch I bought this year since everything is under construction. I wasn't too excited about decorating the bachelor pad for fall and I don't think my contractor would have liked working around all the corn shocks and pumpkins I wanted to deck out the porch with on the new house.

I had my first day at the new job, today! I was pretty excited. I woke up early, drank half a pot of coffee and took my time getting around. It is definitely a breath of fresh air. Time goes by pretty quickly, too. Especially this time of year. After work, I stopped by to get a few essentials and rushed home to make my husband and father-in-law dinner. I was excited to use more of my shiny new Tupperware! We didn't get into the fields tonight because there was some work to do on the big grain bin that holds the beans that aren't hauled to the elevator out of the field. Hopefully, we're at it again tomorrow!

Oct 9, 2011

combine date

My husband and I shared a date in the combine today! We had tons of beans to cut and his dad had a church function and wasn't around to help him today. Of course I am always happy to help. No, willing to help. No, more like ANXIOUS to help! You don't have to pull my arm to sit in a big red machine with a big picture open window next to the love of my life watching the beautiful scenery all day and our favorite country station blaring on the radio. I started our day off by packing a bunch of healthy snacks and lots of water. It's days like this I wish I had everything unpacked from the move so I had my lunch coolers! But the mighty zip locks will do for now.

Slipped on a pair of my "good" boots because all my work boots are still at mom and dad's! I promised myself I wouldn't play in the dirt too much today.....

I asked Jack if he wanted to tag along but he said "Nah, you guys go ahead! I am going to hold down the fort and maybe take a little nap or two.. maybe next time!"

And there it is! Everything is all greased and ready to go.

Now it's time for MAN versus BEAN! Although... we are not very intimidating as we tell silly stories, laugh and sing loudly out of tune to all the songs on the radio.

It was such a beautiful day! There were so many beautiful landscape photo ops! There's only so much an iphone can capture :/

When the combine hopper was full, Dan would go fetch the grain cart and I would dump the beans from the combine auger into the grain cart.

When we'd finish that process. He'd come back for several more passes up and down the field together. And he's back! Oh, hey there dear!

We are pretty dorky but we live for harvest time! So blessed for the beautiful weather we've had.

After discussing dinner plans, I decide to take one last shot of the beautiful tractor and head home to whip up some sausage & potato corn chowder to bring back to the field later! Recipe to come.

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