Yesterday, I shared with you
my new planner for 2013. During my review and excitement, I mentioned the planner having various quotes and positive messages littered throughout.
Inside the front cover is a quote that I think is exactly what I needed.
"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." - Unknown
Such a beautiful, bright quote on a cold, cloudy mid-wintery day.
It is a quote that will stick with me for the rest of my life. In fact, I am going to have a canvas print made for my office. This is what I created:
I like this quote because honestly and truthfully, I have been trying to find myself for a very long time. I'm constantly on the fence with which direction I want to head. Where I want to go with my career, our comunnity, friends, family, house and our farm.
The sad part is, I'm so lost sometimes that I sometimes sit back and feel sorry for myself instead of doing something about it. I have been so busy trying to find myself that I haven't taken the time to
create myself.
We are all given the same tools and the same opportunities. Some of us have easier access than others. In reality though, you can have all the opportunities in the world but it's how you respond to them. It's a matter of what
you are going to do for yourself.
Creating yourself applies to so many aspects of life. We really are defined by our actions. Not who we want to be. You can "look" for yourself all you want and you can pretend to be whoever you want. But can you
create that?
Webster's dictionary defines
create as
to cause to come into being, as something unique that would not naturally evolve or that is not madeby ordinary processes.
to evolve from one's own thought or imagination, as a work of art or an invention.
Our lives are a work of art. We are our own inventions.
Don't be a figment of your imagination. Be a