One of my favorite spots in the house is right here. It’s where we eat as a family almost every single night, regardless of what’s going on.
Sometimes we make exceptions. We might eat in the field or in our farm shop during busy seasons. In the summer on a cooler day we will enjoy a meal out on the picnic table or in the chairs sitting on the front porch. We’ve also been known to have a picnic on the living room floor in front of the fireplace. But for the most part, this spot right here is where we share all our hopes, dreams, goals and sometimes, we may even have an argument or two.
You don’t have to have a decorated, set table like I prefer. Consider it a hobby of mine. But I do think it’s important to have a spot. A spot where your family can find comfort in sharing what’s on their heart. A spot where recipes are repeated and pencils from paperwork or homework accidentally carve a scratch in the wood. A place to gather at the end of a busy day.
Growing up, our 'spot' was at my mom’s kitchen table.
No matter what was going on in the world, I always knew that was my retreat and where I’d find peace. It was something I always took for granted... but something changed on September 11, 2001, when we sat down as a family to eat that night. I started looking at mom’s kitchen table in a much different light.
And I knew someday, I wanted that very same spot in my own home.
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