Last week, I was playing around with some chalkboard graphics and decided to make some Pinterest Board covers for my Pinterest account. I use Pinterest on a daily basis for so many things. It has saved us on paper, wasting time putting ideas in binders and so much more! Pinterest is the new search engine for all things home, recipes, DIY and more. It can be addicting at times but I like to look at it as an organization tool in my life.
After all, it's where I found my amazing pantry! I don't know what I would do without my pantry and some of the life saving recipes I have found.
Recently, I started feeling "overwhelmed" when I would look at all my boards, trying to figure out where I put something. All of the images created a blur of color and I was unable to focus on the board names as easily as I wanted to.
I deleted a lot of boards that only had one or two pin on them. I created a MISC. board for those pins. I deleted all the extra unnecessary boards. I didn't need a board for every single thing! Eliminating boards really helped get things cleaned up and organized.
I love how clean and simple my Pinterest dashboard looks now :
In order to change these images as your board cover, you have to actually pin them to the board your cover belongs to. Unfortunately, all these images showed up in all of my follower's home page and I bet they wanted to kill me. After a few days, I started getting notifcations that people were repinning these! I had no clue these little board covers would go slightly viral. Ok, not really viral, but it's more action than I've ever had!
So, I decided as a gift to my readers to create some generic board covers for you in order to help get your Pinterest dashboard cleaned up! If there is a generic category I missed, please leave a comment and let me know!
Alright, here are your free board covers. It's so easy!
1. Hover over the image of your choice until you see the Pinterest logo.
2. Click the Pinterest logo and it should bring you to a pinning window.
3. Choose which board where you would like your image to go.
4. Repeat until you have all your board covers pinned.
5. Go into your Pinterest dashboard where you can see all of your boards displayed. You can do that by clicking on your name in the upper right hand corner and selecting "Your boards"
6. Hove over your board and click "Change board cover"
7. Your newest pin should appear first; if not, arror over until you see the board cover.
8. Click save changes.
9. Your done! See how easy that was? :)

I am so excited about these! Please leave a comment and let me know if you use them. Be sure to share them with your friends! I may design a different style in the future so if you don't like chalkboard or the rustic look, let me know what you would like to see me design for the next free set of boards! These were so fun to make.
If you would like a customized set, please send me an email with what style you'd like and how many boards you think you will need. This may encourage your to "clean out" some of your boards! I will work out a price package for you based on how long it will take to make them!
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