I wanted to take the time to wish each and every one of you a wonderful new year!! I am so excited for 2014 and all the good things to come. Thank you all for your love and support as I continue to write and share my story, life and ideas. I see each and every like, comment, message, email and the follows on other social media. Your positive feedback really does mean the world to me and then some.
I know I haven't been involved with the blogging world very long and the 2013 season started just this summer but I wanted to share my top 5 most visited posts. Maybe you will discover one that you have missed!
I am not sure why this post was #1 because it's really not that exciting and I didn't pin anything on Pinterest from it. I think the reason it gained so much traffic is because of the hash tag. I incorporated the hash tag into the title of this post as an inside joke to the #harvest13 hashtag that was all over on Instagram and Twitter fro everyone to share their harvest pictures and news. So, you may see more posts with hash tags in the titles........

This post shared the #kitchen that I designed in our #polebarn house. I spent a lot and I mean a lot of time designing this kitchen and deciding how I wanted it to look. I was very excited to reveal it. It is definitely something I am very proud of. I received a lot of emails about my kitchen and it is very rewarding to inspire others and to have someone share the same tastes as you across the country!

In this post, I shared a little #pallet clip board that I designed and made out of contractor shims to hold an 8x8 image. I also created a free fall printable for you to download and use yourself. I think these little boards were popular because there is so much you can do with them! Did anyone end up making these?

These little guys were a recipe I derived from a non-gluten free recipe my friend Angie over at Don't Worry Be Happy shared. Her's looked so delicious and on account of my Celiac's and gluten free diet, I couldn't make them. My mouth was watering for days after seeing her recipe so I decided to experiment and try my own recipe. Gluten free baking and cooking has been an adventure. It's more than just substituting flour with gluten free flour. It's like chemistry. Everything has to be mixed up just right with the right ingredients or you will have a nasty tasting disaster with bad texture. I decied to make these with almond flour and they turned out great! Be sure to tuck this recipe away if you have a family member or friend with a gluten intolerance. They will love you forever.

Last, but not least, I wrote an article on ways to ease the stresses and diffculties that often come hand in hand with being married to a #farmer. Either join him in the farming or create your own hobbies, life and interests. Patience and independence is KEY. It's that simple. Or not so simple at times. I had some great feedback on this article and even saved a few relationships from what I am told. If that doesn't feel good, I don't know what does!

And there you have it! My top 5 blog posts from 2013. They may not have been your favorites or even my favorites, but these are simply based on numbers and ratings within my traffic reports. I am excited to see what the top 5 posts will be next year! The more I blog, the more I grow and mold as a writer and photographer. This has been quite the adventure and I am excited to continue my endeavors as a blogger/influencer on the world wide web.
Happy New Year everyone and let's welcome 2014 with open arms!
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